Latest on COVID-19

Broad Strokes: Covid-19 Telecon on Sat April 18 @ 5PM EST

- Let’s hear from an ER Nurse that’s in the "front line" helping Covid-19 patients ዘተ ምስ ኣብ ቅድመ ግንባር ኲናት ኮቪድ-19 ሕሙማት ትሕግዝ ዘላ ኣላዪት ሕሙማት

- Lessons learned from past pandemics: ትምህርቲ ዝሓለፉ ለበዳታት ተላገብቲ ሕማማት

- How can the past assist in the real-time management of the crisis?
ታሪኽ ለበዳዊ ሕማማት ንምቁጽጻር እዚ ዝላባዕ ዘሎ ኮቪድ-19 እንታይ ይምህረና፧

- What insights can be gleaned from the ongoing pandemic for future disease preparedness and prevention?
ንለበዳ ኮቪድ-19 ዝመስሉ ለበዳታት ንምክልኻል ዝሕግዙ ኣድለዪቲ ምድላዋት ንምግባር እንታይ ተሞኩሮ ከነዋህልል ንኽእል፧

- What would the new normal will look like?
ድሕሪ' ለበዳ' ዝኽሰት ንቡር ህይወት ከመይ ኰን ይመስል ይኸውን፧