Latest on COVID-19

3/18 Updates WHO this week urged all countries to test aggressively, noting that South Korea and Taiwan were having success in limiting infections by doing so

"WHO recommendations: TEST, TEST & TEST. Unless you do, you will not know! Nigeria places travel ban on 13 countries. The countries are China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Japan, France, Germany, Norway, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Netherlands and Switzerland Ethiopia/ Progress update from Dr Lia T (MOH) Of the 6 confirmed cases currently on follow up four of them are now in good condition with no symptoms. Two of the patients have mild to moderate symptoms and they are under frequent follow up. Questions from Ethiopians to the MOH: How many people have been tested so far? What is the capacity of testing in different cities? Is the test kit available in abundance? Why don’t we put random temperature check points in the city? I'm sorry but I find it ""interesting"" that unlike every other country that has been affected by the #COVID19..we tend to get ""negative"" results 70% of the time we test suspects.. What about the 100+ people who have interacted with the confirmed cases What measures are you considering to prohibit non-essential internal travel? Can you also update on the two Italian Nationals that are suspected and returned from Nairobi to Addis Ababa? Are they contained? Aggressive testing helps Italian town cut new coronavirus cases to zero An infection control experiment that was rolled out in a small Italian community at the start of Europe’s coronavirus crisis has stopped all new infections in the town that was at the centre of the country’s outbreak. Through testing and retesting of all 3,300 inhabitants of the town of Vò, near Venice, regardless of whether they were exhibiting symptoms, and rigorous quarantining of their contacts once infection was confirmed, health authorities have been able to completely stop the spread of the illness there. The success underscores the importance of testing and isolating otherwise healthy carriers, an approach that has been strongly endorsed by the World Health Organization. The WHO this week urged all countries to test aggressively, noting that South Korea and Taiwan were having success in limiting infections by doing so. “Our key message is: test, test, test,” WHO recommendations: TESR, TEST & TEST